Friday 28 March 2008

Stuff we've decided

The wedding is to be the 30th May, at Great Chesterford Church then the reception will be in the community centre. We're going to be having a cold buffee, although we do not know who will be providing it yet, and we shall providing the drinks ourselves, and thus they are free! Which is the best kind of ee.

We will be driven about by a rather classy looking rolls, and will be having a fairly traditional wedding, apart from the notable difference of a chocolate wedding cake. Because chocolate is just so much better.

Also, we're having a ceilidh band play, which is going to be disturbing, but hopefully fun too!

Wednesday 12 March 2008

Weddings are awesome

Hey all, this wedding blog has been designed to allow you to follow the thrills and spills of our wedding plans. Get excited.....

The First Post

Heres the blog! Now how to upload a photo of me and Kieran...
